
With the arrival of total automation in the future, will human beings not work or will we work very little, we will dedicate ourselves to leisure and personal projects, and will we be maintained by the system?

With the arrival of total automation in the future, will human beings not work or will we work very little, we will dedicate ourselves to leisure and personal projects, and will we be maintained by the system?

Leisure will produce entitlement. Entitlement will undo the development of reason. Without reason, civilization will collapse.

People must work and problem-solve. This is how they develop their brains. Sure, they can be taught concepts and programmed by others, but they will fail to acquire reason. Only with reason, do people become self-reliant and self-governing. Both are essential components of freedom.

Without reason and self-governance, the people will eventually choose an authoritarian leader and strong man to pacify society. At some point, likely with the strongman’s own irrationality and inability to problem solve, the people, in anger and despair, will tear civilization down.

It happened before Eastern Mediterranian Late Bronze Age Collapse

The leisurely “utopia” will never come to pass. THANK GOD. Civilization, and its citizens, will retain their purpose.